Fall Has Arrived

Fall has officially arrived but that's not the only thing among us-Halloween is creeping up slowly behind us. This calls for cute pumpkin mugs, hot chocolate and crafts. Tons of crafts.

This is my favorite time of year because I get to create my favorite crafts. From the cute Halloween cones to adorable Halloween aprons. This year my niece Amaya took it a step further and created a one of a kind and super cute Halloween Trick or Treat Bag with my guidance!!!

Soon after I had started decorating around my house and began working more and more on my cones, which are my favorite thing to create. 

I love making the cones with a vintage look and appeal for Halloween. The cones could be used as little treat bags for a Halloween Party or as cute gifts for your friends and family.

As October continues to bring the spirit in me, I will continue to create some cute cones and aprons!

But I will leave you with this.

I have my eye on you. 
